DNA Testing for immigration is a reliable solution when you encounter difficulties in documenting a biological relationship in immigration cases.
These cases usually involve a family member who is applying for resident status in the Spain, but who does not have a reliable birth certificate or family records available. To definitively determine a biological family relationship, DNA testing done in an unbiased, fully accredited laboratory compares samples of the family member abroad who applied for immigration with existing family members already naturalized.
There are many types of DNA tests that can be done in order to sustain immigration documentation needed for the immigration authorities. The most common tests are paternity, maternity, sibling-ship and many more.
We has helped individuals in re-uniting family members from US, UK, Australia, Dubai, Japan and many other countries with our accredited DNA Testing immigration program. Our immigration professionals are dedicated to serving our clients in Spain by working closely with Embassies and petitioners, as well as with immigration attorneys.
We offer quick appointment times and fast turnaround of results for clients seeking a DNA Test for immigration purposes. Once all samples are received in our testing lab, the results are available within just 8-10 business days. All testing is performed in our AABB, NATA and Ministry of justice accredited testing laboratory with strict adherence to the immigration and embassies requirements.
If you are facing any problems with the DNA Test for Spain Immigration, don’t hesitate! Just call us at +91 8010177771 or send us a message on our WhatsApp number at +91 9266615552, we’re here to help you.